Friday 18 October 2013

fuel shed

The fuel shed, pretty awesome little building.



birds eye view

Birds eye view from the helicopter & ground 
when i was waiting for the helicopter to pick 
me up!

first acrylics in years!

 I haven't painted in acrylics since maybe first year uni, it was fun to get into it a few months ago, haven't done any since though!

beautiful design

Part of Kennedy Range's Honeycomb
 Gorge & a small rock pool along one 
of the walks. Its so beautifully designed.

Kennedy ranges

Kennedy Ranges, one of the best weekends away this year! Such a nice little camping spot with some amazing rocks!


Mustering...its been happening for nearly two months now here 
at Lyndon Station, I've been lucky enough to get out in the bull
 buggie a few times, drove it for the day & helped out in the yards
a few times. Its certainly an interesting place at the moment with
 many people coming and going.

Table arragements

 Buffel Grass still life for the kids to draw on our art day...some collaboration art between myself and the kids to come from these drawings...

Various pieces of art and artists books to show the kids...


printmaking for art day with the kids & Cath brings me a beautiful salad for lunch made completely from the just happens to be the same colours as our ink. delish.